Terms and Conditions

Waiver of Liability
I/We hereby understand and acknowledge that the training, programs and events held by the CRHC Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center may expose me to many inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, or even death. I/We assume all risk of injuries associated with participation including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me. I/We hereby acknowledge my responsibility in communicating any physical and psychological concerns that might conflict with participation in activity.
I/We acknowledge that I am physically fit and mentally capable of performing the physical activity I choose to participate in. After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of acceptance of my participation and the CRHC Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center furnishing services to me, I agree, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, to HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE AND RELEASE the CRHC Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center , its officers, agents, employees, organizers, representatives, and successors from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, or claims of any kind arising out of my participation in the CRHC Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Center training, programs and/or events regardless of cause including negligence on the part of the facility.. By my signature I/We indicate that I/We have read and understand this Waiver of Liability. I am aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability, and I voluntarily agree to its terms.

Use of Facility Rules & Restrictions:
1. No pool access without the direct supervision of a trainer or therapist during one-on-one services.
2. Members agree to complete a full equipment orientation prior to first use of facility.
3. Members agree to wipe down each piece of equipment directly following usage.
4. Members agree to return equipment to designated area following usage.
a. No equipment is allowed to leave the Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Building.
b. DO NOT drop dumbbells and plates on the floor.
5. Clean gym shoes required.
6. Tobacco, smoking, vaping, drugs or illegal substances of any kind are not permitted in the facility or on the grounds.
7. No food or beverages are allowed in the Fitness Center. Bottled water/sports drinks are permissible
8. All equipment malfunctions and concerns need to be reported to the staff immediately
9. The Fitness Center is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged
10. Personal headsets or earbuds are welcome. No personal boom boxes, blue tooth speakers or stereos allowed.
11. Please perform exercises with weight that you can safely lift or have someone spot you.
12. The rules and regulations are designed to make the Fitness Center a safe and enjoyable place for all. Violations of these rules and regulations can result in suspension and/or termination of your Fitness Center privileges and membership.

Personal Training No-show Policy:
1. Personal Training sessions that are no-showed will result in forfeiture of the session and loss of financial investment at the rate of one session. Three no-showed sessions within a package of ten will result in forfeiture of the remaining personal training package.
2. Clients arriving late will receive the remaining scheduled sessions time, unless other arrangements have been previously made with the trainer.
3. The expiration policy requires completion of all personal training sessions within 90 days from the date of purchase. Personal training sessions are voided after this time period.
4. No personal training refunds will be issued for any reason, including but not limited to relocation, illness, and unused sessions.
5. Failure to cancel sessions within 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment will result in forfeiture of the session.

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